
What is Volunteering?

With us, you have the chance to learn more about the processes in a hostel and/or about permaculture and to try things out for yourself. We also offer an insight into our community - we go shopping together (and share it financially), cook together and spend sociable evenings together.  
Vacation for a hand is a cooperation between VELA VEGA and you as a vacationer, where you get free accommodation or a room in our villa. 

In return, we would like your support for 20 hours per week in the house and garden and in the implementation of the permaculture project. 

What tasks are there?

  • Gardening / permaculture 
  • Housework / looking after guests
  • Craft work

Previous experience is not essential, but rather a passion to promote the VELA VEGA project and a willingness to be helpful/orderly.

If you are interested in a volunteer position, please fill out our questionnaire:

(No pets or children please)

The minimum stay should be 3 weeks. 

VELA VEGA the PermaCultureHostel

A movie from Claudia Laszczak

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